Warm welcome to Parkes' newest citizens

Parkes welcomed seven new Australia citizens at an official ceremony at the Parkes Shire Council chambers on Tuesday, October 15.

With the support of many friends and family Adan Salad Gonjobe, Huynh Boi An Tran (Ann), Leo Paul Pius, Olamide Rhoda Kolawole, Olufemi Abefe Kolawole, Folakemi Adele Kolawole and Damilola Louisa Kolawole.

Adan is originally from the upper eastern region of Kenya in a small town called Sericho, arriving in Australia in May 2016 to study to be a nurse.

Since getting his nurse registration, Adan has traversed every corner of Australia and arrived in Trundle in September 2024 and has worked in the region for three years travelling from Sydney.

Adan travels regularly as a nurse and works as a software engineer in his free time.

Ann, who is a nail technician, was born in Vietnam and moved to Australia from Ho Chi Minh City in March 2019, and to Parkes in 2021.

Born in India, Leo is a physiotherapist and arrived in Australia in February 2017, living in Orange until he moved to Parkes in October 2022.

Nigerian family, the Kolawoles, all became Australia citizens at the official ceremony.

Olamide, Olufemi and Folakemi were born in Nigeria and arrived in Australia in July 2019, arriving in Parkes in 2023.

Damilola was born in Australia as a Nigerian citizen.

Olamide is a support worker at Currajong and enjoys singing and her husband Olufemi is a stakeholder engagement advisor with ARTC Inland Rail.

Folakemi attends school locally and enjoys tennis and dancing and Damilola attends early education locally and also enjoys dancing.

Parkes Shire mayor Neil Westcott welcomed the new citizens as he conducted the ceremony.

"I congratulate these conferees on their decision to become Australian citizens, a decision welcomed not only by me but all Australians," Mayor Westcott said.

Letter of welcome from Minister Tony Burke was read out by Member for Riverina Michael McCormack as part of the official proceedings, and our new citizens took the Australian citizenship pledge before being presented with their certificates.

"On behalf on myself, the Parliament and the Riverina electorate, thank you," Mr McCormack said.

"Most of us in this room, probably all of us in this room were born in Australia, you have made the choice to become an Australian and it's a very good choice but don't forget your faith, don't forget where you came from, don't forget the food, the culture, everything that has made you what you are."

The ceremony was ended with Mayor Neil Westcott playing the guitar as everyone in attendance sang the national anthem.