20 September 2024
On the bowling greens

Railway Bowls

By Paul Lewin.

Hello Bowlers

On Wednesday, June 19 we had 22 swinging arms rolling bowls in Social Bowls. Winners were Gene Rapp and Bob Freeman winning 15+13. Runners Up were Dave Johnson, Bruce Jones and Myra Townsend winning 15+11. Marble 26 came out and the Margins were 1, 5, 11 & 13.

Eighteen smiling faces hit the green on Saturday, June 22 for Social Bowls. We had two teams that could not be separated after 22 ends of play. John Chew and Paul Kirwan along with Ray Griffith, Jan Griffith and Dave Johnson both finished locked on 16+13 and shared all the prize money.

Membership Renewals: Memberships are up for renewal at the end of this month. If you did not receive an email from me a letter is available for you at the club.

Club Championships: We had the Final of the Club Fours between Steve Clegg, Mike Phillips, Geoff Leonard and Pig Phillips against Frank Van Opynen, Paul Kirwan, Joey Van Opynen and Jake Brown. Team Brown kicked us off with a single. Team Phillips a 2 and a single. Team Brown two singles and it's 3 all after 3 ends. Team Phillips a single. Team Brown a 3, a 1, a 2 and a 1 to take the lead 10-4 after 10 ends. Team Phillips a 3. Team Brown a single and it's 11-7 after 12 ends.

Team Phillips a 5 and they take the lead 12-11 after 13 ends. Team Brown a 6 and a 2 and take the lead back 19-12 after 15 ends. Team Phillips two singles. Team Brown finishes off the game with two singles and a 5 to win 26-14 after 20 ends and be crowned back to back Fours Champions.

With only the Final of the Triples to play we have put the nominations up for the 2024/2025 Club Championships. Please get your teams sorted and names down so we can start this rolling early in the new season.

Open Gender Pennants: Our Champion 7's team is off to Merrylands this week to bring home a much-anticipated State Flag. Let's go! Good Luck Everyone!

Men Only Pennants: The draw is up for the Men Only Pennants which start in about three weeks. Please let me know if you are not wanting to play in this. We will have the teams picked Monday.

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State Rookies: The NSW State Rookies Series is upon us again and nominations for the Singles close on July 3. Please let me know if you wish to nominate. The Pairs close August 28.

Monthly Mega Raffle: The Parkes Ford and Kia Free Monthly Mega Raffle has been postponed for a week as we have a huge contingency of members away for the State Pennants Finals.

This week we have Social Bowls on Wednesday, June 26 at 1pm. Social Bowls on Saturday, June 29 at 1pm. As always names in half an hour before start times.

Women's Bowls

By Lea Orr.

A fantastic day and a wonderful turnout for our Biggest Morning Tea effort raising money for the Cancer Council. Colourful beanies topped every head & we all love a mufti day. Social games with names drawn from a hat made for an amiable mix of ladies. Half a dozen Forbes girls joined in and were warmly welcomed.

Sandra Priest/Valmai Westcott and Rose Mitchell/Heather Harvey were well matched, the score being 15-14 on Rink 2. Team Harvey was in the lead, but a strong finish by Team Westcott saw them snatch victory.

The next game, on Rink 4, a triples match between Lynn Ryan/Kerry Roach/Kay Craft and Sue White/Rhona Went/Marja Iffland was also a close tussle until Team Iffland fluked a 5-pointer, followed by a 4-pointer (okay, you proved it wasn't a fluke!) to take the win, 16-9.

Ann Mackie/Lorraine Baker/Merilyn Rodgers suffered the fate of being bogged down on the same low score as Irene Riley/Liz Byrne/Lil Thompson continued to send in winners on Rink 3. The final score 12-7.

A few non-bowlers joined us for lunch and fund-raising fun and we all thoroughly enjoyed a gourmand's spread of savoury & sweet finger food. Thanks to Nick Kelly from Ray White's who gave up his lunch hour for us! His auctioneering skills pushed up the amount raised from the MHF beanie auction to $175!

Betsy and Merilyn donated raffle prizes - won by Rhona and Anne. Thank you everyone for your attendance, support and generosity, opening the wallets a little wider for a worthy cause. Private donations bumped the total up to $700 for Cancer Council and CanAssist. A fabulous effort by the 28 people present!

Social bowls next week, followed by our AGM. To play social bowls next Tuesday, July 2, call the club, 68621446, between 9am - 9.30am with play at 10am. Milk N Mats: Chris Cox.