22 February 2025
Gliders launch 20th year in Forbes

The Forbes Flatlands Hang Gliding Championships will launch the 2025 season from January 14.

With 40 pilots registered across nine countries so far for the 20th year of the event, it’s set to be another fantastic year for camaraderie, competition and adventure.

Forbes Flatlands organiser Vicki Cain said the nine-day event was perceived as a premier competition, with competitors from Australia, Ireland, Great Britain, Turkey, Austria, Norway, USA, France and Poland.

"The Forbes Flatlands Championships annually attracts Australia’s best hang glider pilots and is also an important event on the international calendar,” Vicki said.

“As in previous years, we continue to strive to lead the Australian hang-gliding competition scene through innovation and consistency to provide a benchmark for other events around the country.

“The AAA-rated SAFA event is key to cultivating, improving and determining pilots for the Australian Hang-Gliding Team, which is why it’s so important to our competitive pilots."

Forbes Flatlands was developed 20 years ago to develop the upcoming and current top end competitors and continues to do so today.

The launch arena for the duration of the competition is only a short 8km from the town of Forbes.

“Bill’s” paddock north of the Forbes airport is affectionately called BMIA, Bill Moyes International Airport.

The launch area is covered with mowed grass and there is enough room for 50 plus pilots to tow in all wind directions.

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The headquarters will be based at the Forbes Aeroclub.

The tasks will be set depending on the weather each day, but in previous years the championships has been able to set the longest task ever in a hang-gliding competition in Australia several times.

In 2016 with super conditions and a very experienced and audacious task committee a 367.6km task was set north to Walgett. Twenty-six of the 59 competitors made goal.

Two years later an even longer task was achieved with a 388.8 km task set north to Manilla. That year 16 of the 47 competitors made goal.

“We are looking forward to hosting another successful competition in Forbes, the home of Australia’s flat-land hang gliding and one of the world’s greatest flat-land hang gliding locations,” Vicki said.

“We provide an opportunity for pilots of all skill levels to experience the thrill of competitive hang-gliding to enhance their flying skills and to further enjoy the great camaraderie of the sport.”

Expect to see competitors arriving in town from this weekend, with registration and practice day Monday.

Land holders who see the pilots out and about: if they land on your property you can go in the draw for an appreciation prize at the end of the event.

It's a real community event with many local businesses and the local council getting behind it due to its positive contribution to the local economy.

“We are grateful for support from local businesses in Forbes, The Forbes Shire Council and the NSWHPA which enables us to continue this great competition,” Vicki added.