26 March 2025
Wet and windy sale day larger offering of lambs


Yarding: 975 (down 453)

Numbers dropped by 453 for a yarding of 975 cattle.

Quality was mixed with feeder weights the best supplied.

There were limited numbers of heavy prime cattle and cows on offer.

All the regular buyers were present, and the market sold dearer.

Young cattle to the trade were 5c to 10c dearer, prime yearling steers sold from 328c to 348c, and prime yearling heifers, 243c to 330c/kg.

Feeder steers were 15c to 20c stronger, 270c to 389c, while feeder heifers were up to 30c better, 260c to 340c/kg.

Prime grown cattle were firm to 5c dearer, heavy steers sold from 290c to 340c, and heavy heifers, 300c to 323c/kg.

Cows were up 6c, 2 and 3 scores sold from 180c to 279c, and heavy prime cows, 272c to 282c/kg.

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Heavy bulls sold to 290c/kg.


Yarding: 26,050 (up 2000)

A wet and windy sale day offered a larger and plainer offering of lambs.

The quality was back with a larger run of light and plainer lambs and there were not as many good shorn trade and heavy weights.

Extra heavy lambs were again limited and there were fewer Merinos.

Heavy shorn new season lambs were again the strongest lambs but overall the market sold to a cheaper trend with most lambs slipping $6 to $10/head.

New season trade lambs went against the trend lifting $3 to $4 and sold mostly from $164 to $208/head averaging 800c to 830c/kg.

Shorn trade lambs ranged from $150 to $210/head and most ranged from 780c to 830c with the shorn new season lambs up to 870c/kg.

Heavy weights ranged from $202 to $267 and extra heavy lambs topped at $290/head and averaged 880c/kg with exporters looking for numbers.

Merino trades sold from $121 to $151/head.

Heavy Merino lambs reached a top of $265/head.

The best of the hoggets reached $209/head and most lifted $6 to $7/head.

Mutton numbers fell and the quality was good with plenty of heavy weights offered.

Medium weights were firm on limited numbers while heavy mutton lifted around $10 to $15/head.

Crossbreds sold to $167, Dorper ewes $170 and Merino wethers $171.20/head and most ranged from 380c to 450c/kg cwt.



Sows were fewer in numbers but saw prices firm on last sale, boars dropped by 60c per kg.

A very light yarding of bacon saw prices improve $30 to $40 on last months sale.

Pork numbers were similar to last sale with prices dropping by $60 to $70 per head.

A much larger yarding of mainly lighter suckers saw a decrease in price by $40 to $50 per head.