26 March 2025
Lamb numbers continue to fall but quality remains good


Yarding 1046 (down 166)

Numbers dropped by 166 for a yarding of 1046 cattle.

Quality was good with feeder weights the best supplied and good supply’s of heavy prime grown cattle along with limited numbers of cows.

All the regular buyers were present.

Prime yearling steers gained 2c, selling from 300c to to 345c, while prime yearling heifers lifted 15c, 250c to 338c/kg.

Feeder steers were firm to slightly cheaper selling from 288c to 360c, and feeder heifers were 10c cheaper, 243c to 320c/kg.

Prime grown steers were down 5c, 250c to 347c, while prime grown heifers were firm to dearer, 250c to 338c/kg.

Cows fell 20c, 2 and 3 scores sold from 180c to 268c, and heavy prime cows, 267c to 277c/kg. Heavy bulls sold to 290c/kg.


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Yarding 19,950 (down 5500)

Lamb number continue to fall but the quality was good with good numbers of shorn new season lambs which covered most of the trade and heavy weights.

There were a few woolly new season lambs and most were very dry in the skin.

There were a few run of trade Merinos.

The crossbreds were stronger but Merinos were softer.

New season store lambs reached $169/head for an estimated 23kg while the slightly fresher trade lambs were firm to $6 dearer on limited numbers and ranged from $162 to $184/head.

Heavy weights reached $238/head or 825c/kg.

Shorn trade lambs ranged from $166 to $208/head with the woolly lambs averaging around 780c and the shorn lambs 860c/kg.

Heavy weights sold from $200 to $250/head or 850c/kg for the shorn lambs.

Extra heavy weights reached $266/head and heavy Aussie white ewe lambs reached $245/head.

Trade Merinos were cheaper selling from $123 to $158/head to average around 600c/kg.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was a little more mixed.

Prices were stronger lifting $4 to $5/head.

Medium weight ewes sold from $56 to $110 and heavy crossbred ewes reached $127 while heavy Merino ewes reached $149/head.

Most ranged from 340c to 400c/kg.


A much larger yarding of sows saw firm prices on last sale.

Boars improved 20c to 30c a kg, there was no bacon yarded today and pork numbers where similar to last fortnight.

An extra buyer saw prices improve dramatically by $80 to $90 per head.

Sucker numbers improved as did quality with prices lifting $60 to $70 per head.