26 March 2025
Forbes weekly market reports

Monday's cattle sale

Yarding 1945 (up1172)

Numbers lifted by 1172 for a yarding of 1945 cattle. Quality was mixed with good supplies of heavy prime cattle and feeder weights on offer. There was also a large yarding of prime cows. All the regular buyers were present. Prime yearling steers were 8c dearer, 274c to 385c while prime yearling heifers sold cheaper, 270c to 372c/kg. Feeder steers lifted 5c, 340c to 420c and feeder heifers dropped 20c, 260c to 340c/kg. Prime grown steers were down 12c, 260c to 383c, and prime grown heifers gained 10c, 250c to 370c/kg. Cows were 10c stronger, 2 and 3 scores sold from 210c to 315, and heavy prime cows, 305c to 340c/kg. Heavy bulls sold to 305c/kg.

Tuesday's sheep sale

Yarding 47,700 (up 3500)

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was good with plenty of heavy trade and heavy lambs, extra heavy weights were limited and there was a shortage of light lambs. New season lamb numbers were back and most of the lambs fell into the trade and heavy weights. Merinos were well supplied with good numbers of trade weights and a few heavy lambs and the lighter weights made up most of the lighter 2 score processing lambs. The market sold to stronger trends with the trade and heavy crossbreds lifting $8 to $11 and Merino lambs gained $10 to $12/head. The lighter lambs under 20kg had gains of up to $15/head. New season trade lambs sold from $180 to $220/head and most sold in the range of 860c to 900c/kg. Heavy new season lambs reached $234/head. Old 2 score processing lambs sold from $69 to $149/head. Trade weights to 24kg ranged from $160 to $213/head and averaged 860c to 880c/kg cwt. Heavy weights to 26kg sold from $191 to $228 and lambs 26 to 30kg ranged from $213 to $250/head averaging 860c/kg. Extra heavy lambs reached $276/head or 815c/kg. Heavy Merino lambs sold from $184 to $230/head with the bulk selling between 770c and 810c/kg. Mutton numbers lifted and the quality was good with plenty of medium and heavy weights offered along with a few big runs of light Merino wethers. Prices were $5 to $10/head cheaper. Merinos reached $160 and crossbreds $142/head. Most of the better mutton sold from 350c to 400c/kg cwt.

Check out the numbers from this week's cattle and sheep sales at the Forbes Saleyards

Forbes weekly market reports

Parkes market reports