26 March 2025
Cattle numbers down for final sale of the year, prices mixed


Yarding 941 (down 502)

For the last sale of the year, numbers were back by 502 for a yarding of 941 cattle.

Quality was mixed with good supplies of feeder weights on offer, along with fair supplies of heavy prime cattle.

Not all the regular buyers were operating.

Prime yearling steers were up to 20c cheaper, selling from 283c to 335c, while prime yearling heifers were firm to dearer, 260c to 347c/kg.

Feeder steers dropped 15c, 289c to 370c, while feeder heifers were firm to cheaper, 288c to 333c/kg. Lightweight restocker cattle were dearer, young steers sold from 310c to 395c, and heifers, 290c to 320c/kg.

Prime grown steers held firm, 300c to 335c while prime grown heifers lifted 8c, 290c to 333c/kg.

Cows were 3c better, 2 and 3 scores sold from 200c to 280c, and heavy prime cows, 276c to 287c/kg.

Heavy bulls sold to 287c/kg.

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Yarding 22,200 (down 4200)

Numbers were back and the quality was mixed and included runs of shorn trade and heavy weights but only a limited supply of extra heavy lambs.

There were plenty of light store lambs most were woolly new season lambs and only a scattering of trade and heavy weights.

Merino lambs were back in numbers and there was a good run of heavy hoggets.

The market sold to stronger trends.

New season store lambs to 18kg were firm to $7 dearer selling from $47 to $140/head.

New season trades up $15 to $20/head selling from $210 to $243 and heavy weights reached $247/head.

Shorn trades were $15 to $25/head dearer ranging from $188 to $243/head and heavy weights sold from $250 to $288/head averaging between 930c and 995c/kg with plenty of sale well in excess of the average.

Extra heavy lambs reached $284 averaging 880c to 900c/kg cwt.

The best for trade Merinos reached $194/head and heavy hoggets lifted around $10/head reaching $224/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was better with less 1 and 2 score light and medium weights sheep.

Prices were $5 to $10 dearer across most of the mutton.

Medium weight ewes sold from $73 to $132 and heavy crossbreds reached $166/head.

Heavy Merinos with a big skin topped the mutton reaching $202/head and most ranged 400c to 480c/kg.



Only a small yarding of backfatters today saw prices remain firm on last sale for both sows and boars. Bacon were also in short supply with only one pen dropping $60 to $70 per head. A good run of quality pork, sow prices were also firm on last sale. Suckers were again in good supply with a top quality yarding, prices improved $40 to $50 per head.