28 January 2025
Flood studies to inform warning systems

Work on flood studies it's hoped will inform future warning systems for Parkes shire is progressing, two years on from flood events that devastated the central west.

Draft flood study reports for Bogan Gate and Gunningbland and Cookamidgera are now on public exhibition.

Critically, an East Parkes study on the Goobang and Billabong Creek catchments is among five such studies now under way in our shire.

The flood event of November 14, 2022 saw homes inundated and livestock swept away as these creeks flooded in a way this shire hadn't experienced.

The flood studies will lay the groundwork for future risk management, including recommendations for online catchment gauging to provide real-time information on flows, Parkes Shire Council has said in an update to The Champion Post.

A study on the East Parkes area - the Goobang and Billabong Creek catchments - commenced in 2023, partially funded by the NSW Government.

Modelling for this area is being refined, with ground survey work continuing.

Once complete, the council will seek grant funding for the development of a risk management plan to identify options for the area.

Work on the Parkes town study will update existing flooding and stormwater models to current standards, progressing and confirming designs for infrastructure.

The modelling for East Parkes and the township will be overlaid by consultants to provide recommendations on locations for online catchment gauging to provide real-time feedback on catchment flows, the council said.

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"Council has met with the Bureau of Meteorology and will provide the outcomes of the study to the BoM through the SES to seek the installation of catchment monitoring to inform flood warnings through the BoM and SES," the council said in a statement.

"Council are continuing to work with the SES and through the SES to the BoM to seek funding for gauging and for the BoM to manage the warning system."

The other study is in Trundle, where current work is to develop details designs of options identified in the 2016 risk management plan, to deliver construction estimates.

Now is the time for those in the areas covered by the Bogan Gate and Gunningbland draft flood study report and the Cookamidgera draft flood study report to review those documents, they're on public exhibition.

The Bogan Gate and Gunningbland Floodplain Study objective is to define flood behaviour from the Gunningbland Creek, Blowclear Creek, Botfields Creek and their tributaries.

The Cookamidgera Floodplain Study objective is to define flood behaviour from the Quart Pot Creek and Bartley's Creek, also known as Flagstone Creek.

Both studies also define areas that are subject to major overland flow that occurs as a result of surcharge of the local stormwater drainage system.

Both can be viewed on the council's website, the Bogan Gate and Gunningbland flood study will also be made available to view in person at the Bogan Gate Post Office and the Bogan Gate Pub.

Council staff will be at the Cookamidgera Hall on Tuesday, November 26 from 11am to 3pm for anyone wishing to view the Cookamidgera Draft Flood Study.

All feedback must be in writing using Parkes Shire Council's form which can be found on their website with each flood study.

The form can be handed in at Council's Administration Centre in person or can be mailed to the General Manager at Parkes Shire Council, PO Box 337, Parkes NSW 2870, by 5pm on Thursday, November 28, 2024.

Parkes Shire also continues to seek funding for the reconstruction of the Lake Endeavour pipeline, which was destroyed in the flood event.

This $10 million project is not covered under disaster funding arrangements, and the council has met with State and Federal Ministers on this.