After a busy open day last month, Parkes’ newest childcare centre Kiddie Academy is officially open.
More than 300 families have signed up to the centre that’s been operating for a number of weeks now out of its brand new purpose-built Woodward Street location.
A centre director has been appointed - that being Maxine Vincent from Eugowra - so too have room leaders and a full-time off-the-floor educational leader who supports trainees and educators.
The facility also employs additional support staff to assist all of its educators and allows for programming and study time.
Owner/operator Lloyd Williams said the staff response ahead of and during the centre's opening has been really good.
The facility boasts seven rooms but only four are operational at the moment as they seek more qualified staff with diplomas and Certificate III both in early childhood.
With opening hours from 7.30am to 6pm, Lloyd said they aim to be flexible for families and staff.
Staff are progressively working their way through the centre's waiting list and contacting families with enrolment offers.
Karen Gerdes, who's also from Eugowra, is the friendly face that greets families at the front counter as she looks after the office administration.
And room leaders are Karen Smith of the babies room (six weeks to 12 months), Rhiannon Sheil (1-2 years), Teresa Ward (2-3 years) and Allana Matheson (preschool 3-5 years).
Director Maxine has 14 years' experience in the early childhood sector.
She was a preschool director in Eugowra for eight years before doing Family Daycare out of her home for two years until the devastating November 2022 floods wiped out her business.
"That's when I became a consultant in long daycare in Canberra and Yass for a year," Maxine said.
That role saw her visit other centres and directors offering advice and guidance.
When the travel from Eugowra became too much, Maxine took some time off before working as an assistant director at a childcare centre in Cowra.
"Then this position came up which was closer to home," she said.
"It's going great - the families are nice, the staff are really good, the resources are fabulous and the management and owners are amazing."
Maxine said she's looking forward to the day they will have a fully operational centre.
"There's room for growth for staff too with the other centre coming in the future and the need for an educational leader, second-in-charge and a director," she said.
Families had the opportunity to meet Maxine and her team and explore the new facility during its open day on February 1.
The day included a jumping castle, petting zoo and play time on the water park, a special feature of the outdoor area.
"It was constant all day," Maxine said.
"We saw other services come in for a look too which was really good and the feedback has been really good.
"They were amazed at how big it is, it's very deceiving looking up from the road, it's not what you expect."
Those who are still interested in seeing what Kiddie Academy offers are welcome to call 5319 0560, visit their website or email
The Child Care Subsidy is available at Kiddie Academy Parkes.
Once the first centre is fully established and operational, Lloyd said they plan to move onto stage two which is to build a second centre of the same capacity at the back of their premises in Woodward Street.