28 September 2024
Hard work and dedication recognised at official opening

The 143rd Parkes Show was held last week over an eventful three days.

Form showjumping to ute barrel racing there was entertainment for all ages on offer.

On the afternoon of Tuesday, August 27 the official opening was held with Member for Orange Phil Donato having the honour.

"The Parkes Show looks stronger than ever and I hear Cynara mention all those sponsors and community members that have been so diligently involved in seeing this fantastic show proceed and occur over the three days that's a remarkable effort and testament to the whole community but especially Cynara and committee team," Donato said.

"I know how much hard work you all put into the show to ensure it goes ahead for the benefit and enjoyment of the local community which is really so important.

"I think it's a great opportunity that country shows bring the community together, it's a great opportunity for everyone. Congratulations to everyone involved, I officially declare the 143rd Parkes Show officially open."

As part of the official opening many awards were announced including Life Membership - the highest award bestowed on any committee member in Parkes.

Members of the PA and H committee are awarded life membership when thy have given a lifetime of service to the organisation and the Parkes Community.

Life Membership this year was bestowed upon Ken Keith.

"This is indeed a great honour that I treasure," Mr Keith said.

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"I remember being involved in the show back in the days where the show were held back in the August school holidays and because there was no daycare at that particular time all the parents use to bring their children to the show and they became the young stewards coming up through the system.

"But that involvement in the show early on when my father was involved with the district exhibit as the chief steward I got involved and the rest is history."

Ken Keith has worked on the District Exhibit for 40 years and said it has been a great pleasure and hopes the exhibit will continue when the pavilion is finished.

"It's really important that we continue to foster volunteering, not only in the Parkes Show but the whole community, I think it's something as a community we will all benefit by when we help others and I encourage everyone to volunteer in some way in the community.

"Thank you very much for this wonderful honour and may the Parkes PA and H continue to prosper for many years to come," Mr Keith added.

The RAS Ag Shows Excellent Award was then awarded to Tim Keith.

"To be awarded this medallion is very touching," Mr Keith said.

"I probably started at the Parkes Show when I was about five polishing fruit over 60 years ago now. Dad was chief steward of the district exhibit and mum was very heavily involved.

"It's been part of my life and a part of my life I've thoroughly enjoyed, I've met some wonderful people and we've had some marvelous times and to receive this, Cynara and the Parkes Show Committee, thank you very much, I'm really really moved."

This year the Parkes Show committee wanted to recognise the invaluable service stewards and volunteers give to the Parkes Show and the Parkes PA and H Association for many years.

The committee announced the inception of the Parkes Show Excellence Awards.

Most of the award recipients for 2024 have given in excess of 40 years of service to the Parkes Show and the Parkes Show Excellence Awards recognise those years of service.

The Parkes Show Excellence Awards recipients for 2024 included:

- Wendy Baker, Donald Orr, Julie Green and Debbie Abela for their service in the horse section.

- Valda Woods for her service to the district exhibit.

- Stanley Field for his service to the sheep section.

- Joan Mill and Ian Mill (posthumous) for their service to the district exhibit.

"We are fortunate to have so many committee members and stewards that turn up year after year to not only make sure that the Parkes Show goes ahead but that it is also a successful one too," Parkes Show President Cynara Jones said.

"You are invaluable to the Parkes PA and H Association and I thank you for all that you do. "

Jess Kinsela was announced as Parkes' Rural Ambassador for 2024.

Jess is a successful business woman running Parkes Dance Co, and has a vision to create a destination performing arts hub attracting people from far and wide to Parkes.

Jess entered the Rural Ambassador competition as she was looking for an opportunity to network, meet more people and be more involved in the Parkes community.

"I'd just like to say thank you for this opportunity, I'm very excited to represent my Parkes community," Miss Kinsela said.

Our Parkes Show Miss Teenager was also announced and awarded to Sophie Glasson.

Sophie has a strong passion for dance and enjoys being involved in the community.

Sophie thanked the judges, sponsors, the Parkes community and everyone who helped her get through the competition.