Amid belches of diesel smoke was this McDonald Imperial diesel 1934 TWB 205 at Trundle Back In Time. PHOTOS: Christine Little
Neil and Helen MacGregor from Parkes came to watch the vintage and precious tractors on parade.
Peter Thomas from Trundle takes this vintage tractor for a spin in the precious parade.
Precious parade at Trundle Back In Time.
Precious parade at Trundle Back In Time.
Anthony Smith escorted two-year-old Angus McConnell and four-year-old George Smith, who loved every minute, in a Chamberlain tractor during the precious parade.
Wes Westcott displayed the remains of a 1928 Chev that came into his possession 60 years ago, that has a pulley for driving saw ventures and chaff cutters. And Ted Gibbons from Rye Park came over for a look.
Fairy La La - Laura Viskovich from Sydney - kept youngsters like Isle (6) and Halle Curry (4), Nathaniel Kelly and Harriet Herbert (10) entertained with balloon animals, puppets and magic shows.
Three-year-old Ziggy Parker from Trundle had fun during the Fairy La La Land magic show.
The tractor pull is held every two years at the Trundle Back In Time.
It was all happening at the Trundle Showground over the weekend for the Trundle Back In Time.
This year's event saw in excess of 1000 people pass through the gates on Saturday and Sunday which is on par with the 2023 event.
While there are so many activities happening over the two days, Trundle Back In Time very much focuses on the tractors.
And this year featured the biennial tractor pull that attracted more than 100 registrations, which is up on previous years, and the John Deere 100th celebration of its tractors took centre stage.
There are more stories and photos from the Trundle Back In Time, including the event's wrap-up, in this week's Champion Post, 20 March and on our website.