Students see the opportunities through first Aboriginal career and training expo

Parkes' first Aboriginal Career and Training Expo was held on Thursday, August 1 and it was a huge success.

Students from Parkes High School, Trundle Central School and Peak Hill Central School made the trip to Cooke Park Pavilion and explored some of their options for the future.

Organiser Micheal Anderson said the day was aimed at providing Aboriginal high school students, families and the Parkes region career guidance and training opportunities.

"There's a lot of opportunities that are available for the kids especially Aboriginal opportunities but kids aren't aware of them," Micheal said.

"It's important not only for the kids but their families and even just the other week there was a lady who said 'I'd love for you guys to go to Uni but we can't afford it', well there's all these different programs that are available to make that happen. So it is very important that kids understand that there are opportunities and programs out there for them."

The day featured a variety of workshops, presentations and networking opportunities which all students benefited from.

"We have basically talked to everyone here, days like these are so important as without this we wouldn't know what is available to us," Parkes High School student Laura Burkitt said.

"We're learning about everything, there are so many opportunities that are available to us," Ella McColl said.

"I've talked to the Mines, the police, and engineers," Henry Kross said.

The Evolution Mining Northparkes information desk was popular with students.

"Mining is my favourite so far. They told me about all the different working industries within the Mines and what types of Mines there are."

Kallum Munday's favourite was also the Mines.

"The Mines was probably my favourite. They told us how many jobs there are in mining like FIFO and electricians," Kallum said.

"This expo is very valuable for us to know what is out there for us."

The careers day was designed to empower students and provide them with valuable information and resources that they would be able to take home and use for their future career development.