A great line-up of live music, a perfect Spring night and lots of food options drew a crowd of thousands to Cooke Park.

Elise Ingram (in silver boots) celebrated her 30th birthday with family and friends, which included a visit to the Cheers to 30 Years festival. PHOTOS: Jenny Kingham

Laci Britt, Jake Tonkin, Summah Taylor, Kahla Tonkin and Madi Britt.

Tania and Courtney Gouldthorpe.

Lacey, Ryan and Partick Murphy of Gumble came to the festival with the Grandma Liz Sutcliffe of Ulla Dulla.

Kim Dean and Lionel Jurd.

Alison Row, Renee Piddington and Michelle Row in their custom designed Daryl Braithwaite tshirts.

Barbara and Peter Guppy came to the festival in the Parkes TriShaw.

The Evolution Team at the Merch Tent - the team gave out free hats, stubby holders and stress balls for the early birds at the concert - Emma Gamble, Cathy McGrath, John Byrnes, Rachel Whiting, Brooke Plunkett, Mitch Garside and Kelly Bowley.

Piper White, Katie Galvin, Miley Nash, Michelle Nash, Brax Nash and Billy White.

John Stevenson holding Sonny Lock, Lucy Lock holding Jimmy Lock and Stella Stevenson.