26 March 2025
Be part of 150th celebrations

Members of St George's Anglican Church have unearthed a treasure trove of thousands of photos, historic items and memorabilia, and information on the parish's 150 years.

Even right up to 2024 and 2025.

And it's well worth a look.

The memorabilia display will be open in the church hall on Friday from 3pm and Saturday from 10am to 2pm.

Reverend Ben Mackay said while it's fantastic to have so much history on the years gone by, it's great to show they're celebrating and looking to the future as well.

150th anniversary events


4pm – Open house: Come and explore the historic St George’s Parkes church building, view fascinating memorabilia and enjoy live music performed by talented local musicians.

7pm – Guest talk: Simon Smart from the Centre for Public Christianity will deliver an intriguing talk titled 'How the Church Is Better and Worse Than You Ever Imagined'.


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6pm – Celebration dinner: A formal dinner will be held at the Parkes Services Club featuring a keynote speaker and reflections on the parish’s journey through the years.


10am - Celebration and Thanksgiving Service: A joyful worship service to thank God for His faithfulness and to celebrate the future of the parish.

Did you know?

The focal point of the western end of the church is the War Memorial Window, symbolising service and sacrifice.

It was a gift from the Parkes RSL Sub-Branch in memory of fallen comrades of Parkes and the district, irrespective of creed, who gave their lives during the 1914-1918 War, the 1939-1945 War and the Korean War.

Take a walk through the church on Friday and see it for yourself.

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