26 March 2025
Tullamore sees much needed improvements

Parkes Shire Council were pleased to share their latest progress photos of some exciting upgrades underway in Tullamore.

Works included the upgrade of amenities at Memorial Park.

The much need improvements to this community space were jointly funded by the Stronger Country Communities Fund Grant and Parkes Shire Council.

The installation of a new footpath, jointly funded by Transport for NSW's 'Get NSW Active' initiative and Parkes Shire Council, will link the Health Centre and School to the CBD.

A learn-to-ride path was also constructed in Tullamore.

Supported by Parkes Shire Council's Open Space assets upgrade, this area will include line marking, signage, shelter and a bike rack, creating a safe and fun space for our budding cyclists.

All projects are due to be completed by early December, weather permitting.

Make sure to stay up to date with Parkes Shire Council as they continue to work on these valuable projects around our shire.