20 September 2024
Tyla is Parkes’ newest pharmacist

Tyla Campbell is Parkes Pharmacy's newest registered pharmacist and is ready to help you with all your pharmacy needs.

Tyla successfully completed her Bachelor of Pharmacy at Charles Sturt University, Orange and has recently finished her 12 month internship with Parkes Pharmacy.

"I started working at a Pharmacy and thought that I might like to be a pharmacist, I got accepted into CSU in Orange, and then I did a year as an intern and now I'm registered," Tyla said.

"I like the thought of helping people and I like seeing the customers that I have helped and spent a little bit more time with come back and feel better."

Now working in Parkes, Tyla grew up in Orange. Tyla made the move to Parkes Pharmacy after a friend who worked in Life Pharmacy recommended the intern program.

"I met Lochie (Lochie Pettiford, owner of Parkes Pharmacy) when I was a student and I had a friend who worked in Life Pharmacy as well and they were offering a very good intern program. I'd been where I was for seven years before at the old Pharmacy I was working at and I thought a change might be nice."

The new Parkes pharmacist said there's lots involved with being a pharmacist.

"I think that not many people know what a pharmacist does unless they know a pharmacist or they've had that interaction.

"I do lots of vaccinating, lots of med checks so when patients come in and we sit down and chat to them about what medications they're taking and double checking that nothings interacting and everything is working the way it should be, just lots of things behind the scenes."

Tyla's favourite part about her job is interacting with the community and having a one on one interaction with customers. Tyla became a registered pharmacist in July and said the role is still very new and exciting and she is happy where she is.

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"I'm pretty happy working in community pharmacy and having that one on one with the customers."

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