The Quorn Park Hybrid Farm on the Back Trundle Road in Parkes is progressing through the construction phase of the project.
Initial construction activities have started onsite with materials now delivered for access tracks and working areas.
Further road upgrades to Henry Parkes Way and McGrath Lane are scheduled to commence shortly.
Vehicle movements are being continuously monitored to limit impacts to local road users.
Light and heavy vehicles will continue along Henry Parkes Way, McGrath Lane, and Back Trundle Road as materials and personnel are transported to site, generally between 7am–6pm, Monday to Friday.
Once the road upgrade is underway, additional construction activities on site will begin, including piling (support structures for the solar PV panels), perimeter security fencing and equipment foundations.
Creating Shared Value Potentia Energy is committed to a Creating Shared Value (CSV) approach during the lifetime of the project.
Potentia Energy intends to work closely with the local community to enhance the economic and social conditions in the local area and proactively share benefits within the local community.
Potentia Energy is also committed to local sourcing throughout the project’s operational and construction phases, where feasible.
It is expected that the project will create significant local employment and supply opportunities during construction.
Potentia Energy will work closely with the main contractors to identify capability and capacity in the local area.
Potentia Energy and Beon Energy Solutions (EPC contractor for the project) aim to maximise opportunities for local contractors and suppliers to participate in the project through the provision of goods and services to the project site and workforce.
Beon Energy Solutions will seek to employ a local workforce to support the construction of the project.
Opportunities will include labourers, truck drivers, cleaners and plant operators.
The specifics of these roles will be made publicly available in the coming months by recruitment agency Chandler MacLeod.
For more information visit, or contact Chandler MacLeod at:
For any further queries or feedback about Quorn Park Hybrid please email or contact Community Engagement and Sustainability Team at 0438 464 593 (Dane) or 0419 668 522 (Giulia).
Project updates can also be found on our website: