12 March 2025
Efforts of 23 locals recognised at awards

Member for Orange Phil Donato held his fourth annual Community Recognition Awards event at Borenore where over 150 people from the Orange Electorate were honoured.

From the 150, 23 Parkes individuals, organisations and events were recognised for their achievements.

Mr Donato personally presented a certificate to each award recipient, endorsed with the speech he delivered in the NSW Parliament to officially recognise them.

“It’s amazing to discover the contributions made by individuals and organisations to our local community, as well as people’s remarkable personal or professional accomplishments,” he said.

“Most of these people do not do what they do for any recognition whatsoever, which makes this presentation so much more worthwhile when I see these humble individuals being recognised by members of their community.

“For me, recognising people from our community and celebrating their work, effort and accomplishments is one of the most rewarding parts of my job as the local Member of Parliament.

“We should all be proud of these people’s efforts, because their motivation and their values are what help to make our region bloom and such a great place to live,” Mr Donato said.

Parkes Early Childhood Centre

Amii Marchan, PECC director and Bronwyn Dean were in attendance to accept a recognition award from Phil Donato on behalf of Parkes Early Childhood Centre.

PECC celebrated 70 years of quality care for children in November.

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Mr Donato congratulated PECC for being at the forefront of early education and childcare for 70 years in the NSW Government.

Terry Job and Marshall Munn

Member of the Rural Fire Brigade and the Secondary School RFS Cadet Program, Terry Job was recognised by the Member for Orange for his service.

Terry was recognised last year at the NSW RFS Young Volunteer Awards for 2024 with a special award marking his two decades of involvement in the Secondary School Cadet Program.

"As with all rural fire service brigades and their SES counterparts, Parkes RFS is a critical service for this rural township and Terry's commitment to keeping it robust and flourishing must be commended,” Mr Donato said in NSW Parliament.

Young RFS member, Marshall Munn was also recognised at the NSW RFS Young Volunteer Awards for 2024 as NSW RFS Young Volunteer of the Year.

"The future of the Rural Fire Service in Parkes looks healthy if young brigade member Marshall Munn is an example of the calibre of their recruiting,” Mr Donato said.

Asha Munodawafu

Young Parkes citizen, Asha Munodawafu was recognised for her involvement with the community through tennis.

Mr Donato said Asha is a progressive young member of the Parkes Tennis Club and commended her for founding The Hey Sis Project for young women.

Last year Asha was also awarded the 2024 Young Volunteer Achievement Award for 2024 and is now the NSW entrant for the Tennis Australia Awards for the Young Volunteer Achievement Award.

Carolyn Keep

Carolyn Keep is a well-known name around Trundle and now across the Orange Electorate and beyond.

Carolyn has supported the Cancer Council for over a decade through her annual Trundle Pink Ribbon Night.

"Carolyn, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, devotes a huge amount of her time to fundraising for the Cancer Council and raising awareness of the disease within the Trundle district and broader Central West.

"Her message to all women, relayed through fundraising events like Pink Night, is if you find a lump, get it checked ASAP."

Trundle Pink Night is now close to raising a total of $200,000.

Parkes Shire Council

Parkes Shire Council was recognised for winning the 2024 Tidy Town award for NSW.

Mr Donato commended Parkes’ commitment to sustainability and community spirit and its resident’s commitment to innovation and sustainability.

Elizabeth MacGergor

Elizabeth MacGergor was recognised for securing a contract with the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs for its inaugural team in the National Rugby League Women's competition in 2025.

"I wish to congratulate Parkes rugby league prodigy Elizabeth MacGregor on taking the first big steps to fulfilling her enormous potential in the women's code," Mr Donato said.

Irene Ridgeway

Irene Ridgeway was acknowledged for her work in her documentary 'Her Name is Nanny Nellie'.

"Irene has pushed for a more accurate telling of the Aboriginal people's stories and I commend her, and her family, on this important truth telling,” Mr Donato read in NSW Parliament.


Trundle Bush Tucker Day was congratulated on another successful community event in 2024 by Mr Donato and Parkes Homegrown was recognised and commended for their event for the community.

Meanwhile Parkes Elvis Festival founders, Bob and Anne Steel were awarded for their work.

Mr Donato acknowledged the Parkes Elvis Festival is now recognised as one of the top three festival events in Australia and commended Bob and Anne on their vision 30 years ago.

Tess Woods

Tess Woods was acknowledged for her rising career trajectory, fulfilling her enormous potential in shearing.

Tess’s commitment and talent have been endorsed by her appointment as NSW's representative in the Australian Wool Innovation's wool ambassadors' program.

"Tess has pursued opportunities to be mentored by some of Australia's leading shearers while she has also branched into sports shearing," Mr Donato said.

"As part of her AWI ambassador duties, Tess also travelled across the Tasman as part of a New Zealand exchange and again took the opportunity to absorb knowledge.

"Shearing is a very specialised, essential trade in rural NSW yet recruitment is slow. To have such a motivated young woman join the ranks is heartening and I wish her well," Mr Donato said in NSW Government.

Group and volunteer milestones

Ann Olsen attended the awards representing Parkes CWA as they were recognised for reaching 100 years.

"During its 100 years, the Parkes CWA membership has worked without fanfare to ensure its community was supported. It has linked with other service groups for the greater good on local and overseas projects," Mr Donato said.

"The Parkes CWA branch is a wonderful asset, and I congratulate the ladies on their 100th anniversary," he read in NSW Parliament.

Parkes Craft Corner was congratulated on 50 years of arts and crafts fellowship with the Parkes Rotary Club congratulated on celebrating 85 years of community service.

"In the last year alone, Parkes Rotarians have raised $37,600 which is put back into Parkes and surrounding districts while also helping with overseas projects.

"At the forefront of its activities is the district management of the Driving Simulator Program for Year 10 and 11 students, a program which shows young people the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and fatigue as well as the consequences of distractions like texting.”

Mr Donato salutes members of the Parkes Rotary Club for living up to their motto ‘Service Above Self’ for 85 years and wishes them well for the next 85 years.

Betty Ackroyd, Patrica Byrne, Lorraine Carty and Deborah Nelson are part of Parkes St Vincent de Paul and were recognised for their work as volunteers.

Mr Donato conveyed his gratitude to the four ladies who are involved in keeping Parkes Vinnies thriving.

Between the four ladies they have completed on outstanding 95 years of service to the charity.

"Busy lives with financial and work stresses have led to volunteers dwindling in numbers in recent years and I thank Betty, Pat, Lorraine and Deborah and the Parkes Vinnies team for the selfless work they conduct for their community," Mr Donato read in NSW Parliament.


"I never cease to be amazed by the ingenuity of people on the land and their problem-solving capabilities," Mr Donato said in NSW Parliament when acknowledging local business Westonfence.

Mr Donato visited the Westonfence factory in Parkes where he was shown the process of turning discarded chemical drums into resin which is moulded into posts for electrical fence lines.

"Westonfence turns a waste product into a durable fencing material that is easy to install and plays an invaluable role in stock management and the control of feral and native animals," he said.

For 20 years, the business has produced 21,000km of fencing from 3800 tons of material which would have ended up as landfill.

"It's great to see this innovative Parkes family company at the forefront of recovering a resource that is underutilised."

Parkes Dance Co

Owner of Parkes Dance Co Jess Kinsela was recognised for her and her dance troupe's efforts in supporting Ronald McDonald House.

The dance studio participated in Dance for Sick Kids challenge for a week and raised $13,500 for the charity.

“That money represents 83 nights' accommodation at a Ronald McDonald House. It also places Parkes Dance Co in the top five studios who took up the challenge this year," Mr Donato said.

Melaine Suitor

Melaine Suitor was recognised for being the recipient of the Senator Alex Gallacher Road Safety Award.

“One of the state's longest-serving road safety officers with more than 22 years in the role, Ms Suitor has implemented many initiatives which have helped improve the road culture in her community," Mr Donato said.

"Rural communities rely on the road network to keep communities connected. The work Ms Suitor does to help keep drivers safe is invaluable and I thank her."

Henry Kross

Henry Kross was recognised for all his squash achievements over the last two years, including national and international representation.

"A young man with a bright future, I congratulate Henry on his successes of 2023 and look forward to seeing what he can do on the squash court in 2024,” Mr Donato read in NSW Parliament.

Sue Ranger

Sue Ranger was recognised for her remarkable achievement of being award the NSW Service Recognition award for her over 50 years of service to Parkes East Public School.

"Mrs Ranger is the head of an administration staff of five and oversees a budget of $4.3 million," Mr Donato said.

"She has also been part of enormous change at the school as public education moved into the digital age and facilitated its first server.

"Mrs Ranger describes the school community as 'one big family', a family she is now extending to the grandchildren of those kids she met in the early days of her career."

Andrea Austin

An integral part of BaptistCare Niola Aged Care, Andrea Austin was recognised for her 35 years at the facility.

"With a policy of making residents feel like they have their 'best day every day', Mrs Austin has become known as Niola's go-to-girl by her colleagues and residents," Mr Donato said.

"Aged care is one of the most important, yet under-valued vocations in our country and in regional and rural NSW it is vital for communities to function.

"I thank Andrea for her empathy, loyalty and the unwavering care she has provided at BaptistCare Niola," Mr Donato read in NSW Parliament.

A remarkable list, Mr Donato believes it's important to recognise locals for their remarkable accomplishments and contributions to thecommunity and we congratulate all those who have been recognised.