15 March 2025
Central West Car Club shares money from Show ‘n’ Shine with worthy causes

Each October the Central West Car Club hosts their annual Charity Show ‘n Shine in Parkes. The community event brings together car and bike enthusiasts to show off their vehicles while providing a fun day out for the general public and raising funds for charity.

“This year sadly the weather wasn’t on our side and the numbers were significantly down,” said CWCC spokesman Jeff McClurg.

"So despite an enjoyable day our profits were down. We did however come away with $4500 for our chosen charities which we decided to share three ways."

At the recent monthly Friday night street meet in Parkes, club president Rodney Barnes made the presentations.

The Parkes branch of Can Assist received $2500. Can Assist support cancer sufferers and their families in various ways and president Pat Bailey was extremely grateful for the donation, reinforcing that all their funds remain local for those in need.

Secondly, the Black Dog Institute (who couldn’t attend on the night) received $1000. Their representative, Tex Quigg from Young was very appreciative of the support towards their national suicide prevention campaign.

The Black Dog Institute were represented at the recent Show ‘n Shine in Parkes and car show organiser Jo Hemming reported back with great feedback from locals who had reached out for support on the day and previously.

The final worthy recipient was Parkes local squash player Henry Kross who received a cheque for $1000 to support his endeavour to reach the world stage for his sport.

At age 14, Henry is currently ranked no. 1 in Australia and no. 10 in the world following recent success at the Australian Junior Squash Championships.

His goal is to get to the British Junior Open this year in Birmingham and he is raising funds for he and his father (his coach) to get there in December. Humble about his success but driven to aim higher, Henry has been collecting bottles and cans amongst other fund raising so the CWCC thought him a worthy recipient.

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If you’d like to help Henry achieve his dream, or if any of these charities have struck a chord with you then fee free to enquire and make contact with them or get in touch with me , Jeff McClurg at and I can steer you in the right direction.