$71,000 local events boost

Trundle Bush Tucker Day and Central West Car Club's Show 'n' Shine are two of the events to share in more than $70,000 funding from Parkes Shire Council.

Parkes Shire Council is excited to announce the recipients of the latest round of the Events Financial Assistance Program, designed to support new and existing events that contribute to the Parkes economy while striving for event sustainability.

Council general manager Kent Boyd said the council was pleased to support such a diverse range of events through the Events Financial Assistance Program.

"Each of these events plays a crucial role in enhancing community engagement, boosting local tourism, and fostering a sense of pride within our region," he said.

"Council's commitment to supporting these initiatives reflects what the community has requested, that is to building a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable Parkes Shire. We look forward to seeing the positive impact these events continue to have on our community."

Recipients are:

Evolution Mining Northparkes Operation Cheers to 30 Years Festival - Cooke Park, Saturday October 5: $14,000

Trundle Bush Tucker Day: $10,000

Harness Racing NSW Carnival of Cups Parkes: $10,000

Central West Car Club Show 'n' Shine - Pioneer Oval, October 19 - $5000

Golf NSW Men's NSW Country Championships - Parkes Golf Course, Saturday and Sunday November 9 and 10: $5000

Parkes Action Club Christmas Parade and Carnival - Cooke Park, Friday December 6: $3455 plus $1745 in kind

Parkes Ministers Association Christmas Carols - Cooke Park, Sunday December 8: $1660 plus $4900 in kind

Parkes RSL Sub-Branch Vietnam Veteran's Day - $495 plus $150 in kind

Parkes RSL Sub-Branch Remembrance Day - Cooke Park Cenotaph, Monday November 11: $2330 plus $1740 in kind

Central West Lachlan Landcare's Homegrown - Cooke Park, Saturday October 12: $3920 plus $6080 in kind

Neighbourhood Central NAIDOC Family Fun Day: $1020 plus $280 in kind

Evolution Mining Northparkes Operations said the support from Parkes Shire Council had been second to none, helping to ensure the success of the upcoming event.

"Assistance provided through both in-kind and equipment support means we can provide an event for the Parkes community to enjoy on a bigger scale," Evolution Mining Northparkes Operations said.

Trundle Bush Tucker Day shared the importance of the funding for their recent event.

"Funding was utilised by providing the ability to obtain essential services to ensure our event would run smoothly on the day," organisers said.

"We recognise the importance of Trundle Bush Tucker Day to our community and to the Parkes Shire Region by bringing approximately an additional 2000

people into the Shire with a flow on effect to the economy."

Applications for the Community Event Fund are accepted twice a year, in May and October, while applications for the Destination Event Fund are accepted year-round.

Details and application forms can be found on Parkes Shire Council's website: