26 March 2025
Aussie Biscuits cracks sales records

Forbes-based disability enterprise Aussie Biscuits has smashed sales records, increasing its business revenue by 30 per cent in

November last year (compared to October), despite months of ongoing setbacks and hurdles.

The humble bikkie factory pumped out more than 272,000 twin packs of its buttery treats, breaking its record for its most

productive month by 15 per cent. The jam drop flavour remains the most popular biscuit.

Aussie Biscuits reopened its online shop and shopfront in January, after closing since June 2024 while the business worked through big corporate orders and dealt with a series of equipment issues.

Since it was hit with floods in December 2022, Aussie Biscuits has focused on rebuilding both its bricks and mortar, and its team.

Production Coordinator Damian Little said it’s taken time for the team to rebuild.

“There’s a lot of new faces who naturally have needed time to learn the ropes and become embedded into the team,” Damian


“We’ve overcome hurdles with equipment breakdowns, an influx of large corporate orders and just all getting to know each other.

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"This has meant we needed to taper back on our engagement with the public through our website and shop to give us space to

get back on our feet.

“We are incredibly proud to have achieved such an amazing result, especially considering we haven’t been taking online

orders, and our physical shop has been closed. We’re rapt with the growing support of big businesses, particularly coming

from the accommodation sector.”

Aussie Biscuits has a strong focus on business development.

“With continued support from companies like commercial coffee company Espresso Services, and new business growth from

cleaning supplier Veridia and real estate company BGIS, we have seen impressive growth in our results. Attending large events like the No Vacancy expo over the last few years has significantly increased awareness of the business,” Damien said.

“We’ve seen strong growth in the hotel sector where more chains like Best Western are looking to stock products with a purpose like Aussie Biscuits.”

With the website back in business and the shop front getting ready to open its doors soon, Aussie Biscuits is excited to see what

2025 will bring.

“We’re looking at product development and environmentally sustainable packaging, which we hope will help us get on the

radar of even more big clients this year,” Damian said.

Aussie Biscuits thanks the Forbes community and surrounds for ongoing support.