26 March 2025
Dougie Watson to be featured artist


Dougie Watson known to us here locally as a member of “The Dougie Trio” from Orange will be flying solo as our featured artist at the Muster on Sunday, February 16 commencing at 1pm in The Starlight Lounge at the Parkes Services Club.

Be sure to expect a lively performance from Dougie.

Walk-ups are most welcome and play a large part in the day’s proceedings and you just never know who’s going to walk through that door to become a supporting artist on the day.

Stephen R Cheney, President of our Parkes and District Country Music Assoc. was a very welcome featured artist in January and what a start for the New Year.

Such a pleasure to have a gentleman of his talent amongst us after many years of success on the world stage and Australia wide.

Stephen is always the first to encourage someone to “have a go”.

Stephen was supported by 12 walk-up artists including Garry Hemming from Forbes; Craig “Chooka” Manderson from Dubbo; Bill Little, Bruce Toole and Sue Gillett all from Forbes; Lindy and Jock Charlton from Parkes; Joy Rice from Cowra who is also our very capable sound person; David Nock our resident “Davy Crockett”; Narelle Sellick all the way from Temora; a welcome back to Freda and Scotty Drinkwater; and the return of “Janet” from Sydney who makes the trek up to attend the Elvis Festival and stays on for the Country Music Muster.

Band duties were performed by Stephen, Craig, Brian, Pam and Lindy.

Thanks to these selfless people we wouldn’t be able to offer the opportunity for artists to perform with live music.

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It is our aim to promote country music where we can, and give an opportunity to anyone wishing to participate in live music performance with a backing band, big sound system and the best audience around who appreciate any type of music to put your name down with the music co-ordinators of the day and “have a go”.

December’s Christmas Charity Muster was a great success featuring Barry Green with his selection of favourite Christmas songs that were enjoyed by all.

Supporting Barry were Stephen R Cheney, Garry Hemming, Bill Little, Grace Little, Craig Manderson, Lindy Charlton, Joy Rice and Joe Reeves.

We also enjoyed a visit from Mr and Mrs Claus and their three little elf helpers who helped distribute some Christmas cheer amongst our members and friends in attendance.

Stephen, Craig, Lindy, Katelyn and Barry provided backing. Well done and Thank you.

A token of $510 was presented by Assistant Treasurer, Christine to Can-Assist representative Pat Bailey on behalf of the Parkes & District Country Music Assoc. and all those present who supported the afternoons muster.

Thank you to everyone involved in making our Christmas Charity Muster a great success at such a busy time of the year when there are so many other functions going on all around us.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again at our upcoming Muster on this Sunday 16, at the Parkes Services Club, 1pm upstairs in the Starlight Lounge.